The Future Was Now: Madmen, Mavericks, and the Epic Sci-Fi Summer of 1982, by Chris Nashawaty 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

For folks like me who were alive and into sci-fi movies in the late ’70s and early ’80s, the new book by film writer Chris Nashawaty, The Future Was Now: Madmen, Mavericks, and the Epic Sci-Fi Summer of 1982 , will bring a déjà vu -like rush of memory of that summer, when the movies E.T., Tron, Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, Conan the Barbarian, Blade Runner, Poltergeist, The Thing, and Mad Max: The Road Warrior were all released within a searing eight-week period. In the five years before that eventful summer we had had the first two Star Wars movies, Alien, and the rather woeful first Star Trek film, but that fateful eight-week period reshaped the landscape of Hollywood moviemaking in a way that is still being felt now, over 40 years later; indeed, the MCU, the DC movies, X-Men films and the whole tradition of summer blockbusters and multi-film series can trace their beginnings to the Summer of 1982. Within the same timeframe that saw these mov...